Heart Healthy Anyone, Try This!

Did you know that fruits and vegetables are foundations of a heart-healthy diet? Why is that? Not only will you receive an abundance of vitamins and minerals, but also antioxidants, phyto-nutrients, and fiber. These nutrients provide your body with protection and contribute to a healthy a heart.

Indulge in these fruits and vegetables to provide great health to your heart.

  1. Berries are high in heart-healthy polyphenols. Blueberries also contain resveratrol and raspberries provide a lot of fiber.
  2. Oranges are not just packed with vitamin C content, but they also contain pectin, which is an insoluble fiber that is very beneficial for heart health.
  3. Pomegranates contain several kinds of polyphenols, a source of potassium, high in fiber, with 7 grams in a one-cup serving. This is providing even more protection for the heart.
  4. Tomatoes, another good source of potassium, as well as containing lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. In fact, cooking tomatoes helps release lycopene.
  5. Spinach is dominated with nitrates, which is very good for blood vessel health. Spinach also contains 181 percent of the recommended daily value (DV) for vitamin K.
  6. Kale is your nutritional powerhouse which contains not only antioxidants, but fiber, an abundance of even more vitamins. Kale is a great source to obtain omega-3 fatty acids; these acids are uncommon in most vegetables.

This is great information, not only do the listed fruits and vegetable above have heart health in common, they are also a part of the Juice Plus+ Garden, Orchard, or Vineyard Blends family. So, what is Juice Plus+? Glad you are inquisitive; Juice Plus+ contains whole food based products that support a healthy diet, which aides in increasing your consumption of fruits and vegetables. Increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables in this form will positively impact your cardiovascular wellness, and your overall health.  I will admit it is a challenge to consume the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables, which is eight to ten. For me, and many others, Juice Plus+ is a perfect bridge for people who can admit, they have a less than perfect diet. For more information, click on the link below and or contact me today.

Website: www.willis3.juiceplus.com

Email: 7dimensionallywell@gmail.com

What steps do you take to help your heart? Share with us in the comments below!