Can You Handle A True Friend?

Let’s first understand what the actual word “friend” mean, or whaat it stands for. The word friend is thrown around too often and doesn’t always live up to it’s true intended meaning.  If you do a dictionary search you will be enlightened to know a friend is someone you may have a true bond with, a mutual affection, which could be exclusive or sexual in nature. If you come across the the urban definition, you may find a meaning that states, someone that has your back, there when you need them, or will lend you a dime if in need, figuratively speaking.

However, when I think of a friend it comes down to be even more than that, which is already been stated. You may want to look deeper, someone that will be there for you no matter what, through thick and thin. These friends will also tell you the truth even when it hurts, why because they truly love you and want the best for you. so indeed, when it comes to the truth, can you handle it and hold onto that friendship?

But is that what we really want to hear can you stop and think about the people or friends that you were able to tell how you really feel and they remain in contact with you, or vice versa. If this is your definition and the amount of people you just envisioned got smaller than, there you have it, here is an account or your true friends. So. if that person or so called friend stood up to their part of the bargain and generally told you something for your own good, why are you angry.

I mean if they really got your back and not being a foe, or jealous ***, why are you not swallowing our pride and accepting the thought. Here is why, we often say we want to someone, a friend that is to tell us whatever we need to be told, but the reason we don’t want to accept it is because we have an ought with ourselves. Here is where honesty and issues with self-acceptance arise, so ask yourself these questions, of they are true, it’s now time to do some soul searching.

Just remember, a true friend may not necessarily tell you what you want to hear, but tell you what you should hear.