Authentically Unashamed: To Be Authentic..To Be Truthful.

The Authentic You

In order to be authentic, I must be truthful, to myself first and to others. When i see the words authentic, I think of an original, carbon copies removed, that the negatives I once believed are no engraved positives. Is it hard to do, if you can come face to face with realities of your past, present and can move forward in knowing who you are, but we must understand it’s a process. everyone has a story, a past and a possible identity shaker, but will you make the first step toward and extraordinary journey, that’s the question.

Walking In Your Truth: Being Who God has Called You to Be

Walking in your truth is so much more than just speaking it, it’s about living it and not backing down. It’s about standing for your beliefs and not wavering under pressure. It’s the authenticity that resides in you. What do you do when someone is trying to silence you? What’s your first reaction or thought? Could this person or persons be threatened in anyway, are they afraid of being exposed to deal with their own insecurities. Are you dealing with personal regrets, unresolved issues that keep you bond? Whatever the reason is don’t allow it to control you any longer. Yes, we often think this and look to blame others, when we indeed could be the one holding our own selves back. as so, we may even be ashamed of our past and afraid of our future.

Can you walk in you truth, be authentic and not ashamed of your story, your past, your victories. In any where there is uncertainty, knowing who we are and who are creator is will help solidify our identities. The bible tell us that we where made in God’s image, a masterpiece for his works. When you are able to reveal and get past your hurts you’ve become accomplished and the biggest hurdle that stunts growth has now been conquered.  Don’t be afraid to just be you, and love the skin your in!
Are you walking in your truth?